- Job Position
- ID Photo
- Copy of Passport (min. 18 months validity)
- Copy of University Graduation Certificate
- Personal Insurance Certificate
- CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Statement letter (We provide)
- Home Address with Domicile letter from Banjar (Onshore with status conversion & extension)
- Boarding Pass (Offshore)
- Personal Tax Number (For extension)
- BPJS of Employment (For extension)
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Deed of the company/Akta
- SK Menkeh
- NIB Berbasis Resiko including PKKPR (Approval of the Suitability of Space Utilization Activities)
- Lease agreement from the property of the company registered
- Letterhead
- Stamp of the company (Physical stamp)
- Balinese ID Card (It can be your friend/company’s employees)
- Copy KTP/Passport Director & Commissioner
- NPWP of company
- Username & password for visa online
- Online visa site name and password
- WLKI (Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan) 1 foreign staff = 10 Local Staff needed