- Student KITAS is for those who are studying in Indonesia from Kinder garden to Senior Highschool
- The KITAS is valid for 1 year
- Each year the visa will need to be extended. It can be extended 4 times, 5 years in total
- There is no need to leave the country to arrange the yearly extensions.
- Copy of Passport valid for at least 18 months
- Student’s last report card
- A statement that the person concerned will not work/not work while studying (with stamp duty) — (We provide)
- Financial guarantee letter from parent/sponsor (with stamp duty) — (we have the draft, you just need to fill in the information and sign)
- Statement letter of student filled by school. (This letter is used to state that the student is in fact getting education at the school)
- Parent’s passport / sponsor’s ID card
- Health certificate from doctor and Vaccine Card (Medical Check Up) Home address in Indonesia