To get a restaurant license, the application for the registration shall be addressed to the tourism and culture agency at the local government where the tourism business is located. It could be at the Regent or Mayor Office, except for the Special Capital Province of Jakarta at Governor Office.
The process of registration of tourism businesses cover:
- Application for the registration of tourism businesses
- Verification of applications
Inclusion in the list of tourism businesses - Issuance of certificates of tourism business registration
- Updating of the list of tourism businesses, in the event of changes in supporting documents
There are two major requirements that business owners now need to fulfill in order to operate and sell alcoholic beverages.
For Indonesian companies to sell alcoholic beverages, they need to apply for Industrial Business License (Izin Usaha Industri – IUI) through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system
Alcoholic beverage companies must comply with the quality standards of alcoholic beverages.
Get in touch with our team today to get your restaurant business up and running.