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Bali, the Island of the Gods, is a top tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and welcoming people. But did you know that it’s also a popular spot for entrepreneurs and ex-pats looking to work and live in paradise

One of the ways to make this a reality is by obtaining a working KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas), also known as a limited stay permit.

In this blog post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about obtaining a working KITAS for Bali, including the requirements, process, and cost. Keep on reading to learn how you can turn your Bali dream into a reality!

What is a Working Kitas?

A working KITAS, or Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, is a limited-stay permit issued by the Indonesian government that allows foreigners to live and work in the country for a certain period of time. In other words, a working KITAS is for those who will work and earn money in Indonesia. It’s a legal document that serves as proof of your identity and your right to reside in Indonesia. To obtain a working KITAS, you’ll need to go through a process of obtaining sponsorship from a local company or organization, as well as fulfilling other requirements set by the government.

The duration of a working KITAS can vary, but it typically lasts for 5 years and it can be renewed. The process of obtaining a working KITAS can be time-consuming and can require many steps. One of the best ways is to find a local agent or consulting company that could guide you through the process, as well as help with paperwork, translation, and other legal matters.

It’s important to note that working KITAS regulations are subject to change and it’s advisable to verify any new rules with the local immigration office in Indonesia.

What are the requirements?

Applicant Requirements:

  • Job Position
  • ID Photo
  • Copy of Passport (min. 18 months validity)
  • Copy of University Graduation Certificate
  • Personal Insurance Certificate
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate (12+ years old)
  • Statement letter (We provide)
  • Home Address with Domicile letter from Banjar (Onshore with status conversion & extension)
  • Existing e-Visa (Onshore)
  • Current Visa (Onshore)
  • Boarding Pass (Offshore)
  • Personal Tax Number (For extension)
  • BPJS of Employment (For extension)

Sponsor Requirements:

  • Deed of the company/Akta
  • SK Menkeh
  • NIB Berbasis Resiko including PKKPR (Approval of the Suitability of Space Utilization Activities)
  • Lease agreement from the property of the company registered
  • Letterhead
  • Stamp of the company (Physical stamp)
  • Balinese ID card/local KTP
  • Copy KTP/Passport Director & Commissioner
  • SKTU
  • NPWP of company
  • Username & password for visa online
  • If they don’t have, add Bank Statement of the company (min 10.000 USD)
  • WLKI (Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan) 1 foreign staff = 10 Local Staff needed

What is the process like?

Step 1: Submit all documents to LLI for checking. (Day 1)
Step 2: Invoice & Payment to LLI. (Day 2)
Step 3: LLI submits all documents to Jakarta to make RPTKA, DPKK, IMTA. (Day 3)
Step 4: Creation of e-vISA and wait for it to be issued. (Day 30)
Step 5: Offshore applicants can arrive in Indonesia. Process in Bali immigration to get the KITAS. (Day 31)
Step 6: End of process. (Day 60)

What are the costs?

The process to make a working kitas is around 2-3 months at Legal Legends.

Onshore: IDR 18.000.000 + USD 1200
Offshore: IDR 17.000.000 + USD 1200
Annual Extension: 8.300.000

Obtaining a working KITAS for Bali can be a great option for foreigners looking to live and work on this beautiful island. A working KITAS is a limited-stay permit that allows you to live in Indonesia for a certain period of time. However, the process of obtaining a working KITAS can be complex and time-consuming, and it’s recommended to seek the assistance of a professional legal agency like Legal Legends.

If you’re considering a working KITAS for Bali, make sure to do your research to ensure you’re familiar with the current requirements and regulations. And then, you’ll be able to turn your Bali dream into a reality and enjoy the best of both worlds – working and living in paradise.

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